
New Dating App Score Requires 675+ Credit Score: Unique Approach attracts Gen-Z

New Dating App Score Requires 675+ Credit Score: Unique Approach attracts Gen-Z

In a time where most dating apps have become trash, a new dating app Score has launched with a unique prerequisite – users must have a credit score of at least 675 to gain access. Score has been developed by the financial platform Neon Money Club, this innovative app aims to raise awareness about the importance of financial health in relationships while challenging traditional methods of educating people about personal finance.

The Concept Behind Dating App Score:

According to Luke Bailey, co-founder and CEO of Neon Money Club, the idea for Score came from a realization that conventional approaches to financial education often fail to capture people’s attention. “Before you can educate people, you need to get their attention. With Score, we’re bringing the conversation to dating,” Bailey explained .

The Origins of Score:

The idea of Score took shape during last year’s AfroTech event, where Neon Money Club was already exploring ways to address credit health issues. As hundreds of people had come to the party they had hosted, Bailey and his team asked a thought-provoking question: “What should the minimum credit score be for someone you’re dating?” This question ultimately led to the birth of Score.

How Score Works:

For using Score interested users must register on Their site ,Then Neon Money Club will  conduct a  credit check on applicants, which will not impact their credit reports, and approved users will have access to financially like-minded individuals on the app. According to Score “Users are not matched based on credit tiers, the credit criteria is just the pass for the app rest things are same as we see in other dating apps. The app follows the familiar “swipe left or right” format similar to other dating apps.

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As Score enters the dating app market, it has ignited a discussion around financial literacy, inclusivity, and the role of personal finance in relationships. Whether this unique approach will attract users or face criticism that remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – Neon Money Club’s innovative approach is challenging traditional norms and pushing people to have  conversations about an often-overlooked aspect of compatibility, Financial Independence.

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