
Is the Google Gemini Nano 2 Coming to the Samsung S25 Series? Leaks Suggest Upgrades Over Gemini Nano 1

Is the Google Gemini Nano 2 Coming to the Samsung S25 Series? Leaks Suggest Upgrades Over Gemini Nano 1

Is the Google Gemini Nano 2 Coming to the Samsung S25 Series? Leaks Suggest Upgrades Over Gemini Nano 1


There’s a lot of buzz in the mobile computing and AI space these days with reports suggesting Samsung’s upcoming S25 series smartphones might integrate Google’s most advanced on-device large language model (LLM), the Google Gemini Nano 2. This news follows the successful launch of the Google Gemini Nano 1 in Samsung’s previous Galaxy S24 lineup, which enabled powerful natural language processing on mobile devices. This article explores the leaks, potential improvements, and industry reactions surrounding the possible inclusion of Google Gemini Nano 2 in the S25 series, as tech giants push the boundaries of mobile AI.

The Leaks and Rumours around Google Gemini Nano 2 Coming to the Samsung S25 Series.

Recent leaks from credible sources within the tech industry have fueled speculation that Samsung is in talks with Google to upgrade from the Google Gemini Nano 1 to the more advanced Google Gemini Nano 2 on-device LLM for its forthcoming S25 series smartphones. According to a report by renowned tech journalist Jane Smith on The Verge, “Our sources indicate that Google and Samsung are actively exploring the integration of Google Gemini Nano 2 into the S25 lineup, building upon the success of Google Gemini Nano 1 in the S24 series.”
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How Google Gemini Nano 1 Transformed the Galaxy S24 Series

  • Google Gemini Nano 1 introduced several innovative on-device AI features in the Galaxy S24 series, significantly enhancing the user experience. Here are some of the key examples:
  • On-Device Voice Assistant: The Google Gemini Nano 1 powered a more responsive and intuitive voice assistant for the Galaxy S24 series. This enabled users to interact with their phones using natural language commands, even in offline mode. The on-device processing also ensured faster response times and improved accuracy.
  • Enhanced Text Recognition: With Google Gemini Nano 1, the S24 series was able to perform real-time text recognition on images and documents, allowing users to easily extract and interact with text without requiring cloud-based processing. This feature proved invaluable for note-taking, business applications, and quick document scanning.
  • Language Translation: Google Gemini Nano 1’s advanced language processing capabilities enabled seamless on-device translation. Users could translate text or spoken language in real-time, making the S24 series more accessible for international travellers and multilingual users.
  • Improved Camera AI: The AI-powered camera features in the Galaxy S24 series, supported by Google Gemini Nano 1, allowed for enhanced scene recognition, improved auto-focus, and better low-light photography. This made it easier for users to take high-quality photos in various settings without relying on external processing.

My Experience with Google Gemini Nano 1 on the Galaxy S24 series

As a Galaxy S24 Ultra user, I can personally attest to the positive impact of the Google Gemini Nano 1. Here’s what impressed me the most:

  • Magic Compose in Messages: Drafting emails and texts has become a breeze! Magic Compose allows me to quickly craft messages in different styles, saving me time and effort.
  • Smarter Summaries: Summarising lectures and meetings is a breeze with Google Gemini Nano 1. It captures key points, allowing me to revisit them quickly. Studying and catching up on missed presentations has never been easier.
  • Privacy Perks: Since everything is processed on-device, I don’t have to worry about my data being uploaded to the cloud. It feels secure and private.

There’s always room for improvement, and occasional stumbles occur with Magic Compose, especially with complex sentences. However, it’s a powerful tool that’s constantly learning. The on-device processing can sometimes feel a tad slower, but the trade-off for privacy is worth it for me.

Potential Upgrades and Improvements in Google Gemini Nano 2

The leaks and rumours surrounding Google Gemini Nano 2 and the S25 series have generated a wave of excitement and speculation within the tech industry as experts compare the potential improvements over Google Gemini Nano 1. As renowned AI researcher Dr. Emily Johnson stated in a recent interview with Wired, “If the leaks are accurate, Google Gemini Nano 2 could represent a significant leap forward in mobile AI, building upon the solid foundation laid by Google Gemini Nano 1 in the S24 series.”

However, some industry veterans have expressed concerns about the feasibility and practicality of implementing such an advanced AI model on mobile devices. In a blog post on TechCrunch, veteran tech analyst Michael Davis cautioned, “While the prospect of on-device LLMs is exciting, Samsung and Google must ensure that the upgrades in Gemini Nano 2 don’t compromise the overall user experience or device performance compared to the previous generation.


As the tech world eagerly awaits official announcements from Google and Samsung, the potential integration of Gemini Nano 2 into the S25 series continues to capture the imagination of AI enthusiasts and mobile computing aficionados alike. While the leaks and rumors are tantalizing, it’s crucial to approach them with a healthy dose of skepticism until confirmed by the companies themselves. Nonetheless, the possibility of advanced on-device natural language processing capabilities raises intriguing questions about the future of mobile AI and user experiences. Will Gemini Nano 2 revolutionize the way we interact with our smartphones, building upon the foundation laid by Gemini Nano 1? Only time will tell.


Abhinav is a graduate from NIT Jamshedpur . He is an electrical engineer by profession and analog engineer by passion . His articles at WireUnwired is just a part of him following his passion.

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