All the world’s an analog stage and digital circuits play only bit parts.. |
Electronics roles in Industry: In a world where the package an engineering student receives at the end of their 4th year is of utmost importance, the higher the package offered in a field, the greater the crowd trying to get into that field. This is the reason behind such a huge number of students trying to get into the software field.
The Changing Landscape of Electronics Roles
However, the tables are turning. With the commencement of the semiconductor industry in India, the packages being offered by these electronics companies are now comparable to those offered by software companies. For reference, a startup named Steradian Semiconductors offers a package of 27 LPA for a fresher who just graduates from college. The numbers are quite similar for other companies and sometimes even better in companies like Nvidia, Advanced Micron Devices (AMD), and Renesas India.
One thing that is preventing students from getting into this field is the lack of guidance and materials. This field requires quite sophisticated knowledge, so the companies are quite choosy while choosing candidates. One mistake from your side can cost millions of dollars to the company.
Today, we are not going to talk about the study materials, but something even more important: the fields that we can target as a fresher. So, without any delay, let’s start.
Fields to Target
- Analog Engineer
- Digital Design Engineer
- System Engineer
- Power Electronics Engineer
- PCB Layout Engineer
Let’s discuss these roles one by one, what to study to get into these electronics roles, and a rough idea of the companies that you can target.
1. Analog Engineer
“Analog circuit design is like chess—just because you know how the pieces move doesn’t mean you know how to play the game.”
Being an analog engineer, you are required to have in-depth knowledge of network theory, analog electronics, and some knowledge of signal and systems. When I say analog electronics, it comprises of MOSFET, OPAM, oscillators, filters, and BJT. You don’t need to have in-depth knowledge of BJT since MOSFETs are nowadays used in most of the applications and also MOSFET related questions will be asked in the interview.
Companies to target: SignalChip, Renesas, Steradian, Nvidia, AMD, Lemon Flip Solutions, Analog Devices.
“Let’s look at how Analog Engineers at Nvidia contributes”.
- NVIDIA’s analog engineers work on a variety of specific analog functions, including performance analog and hybrid Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs), analog-to-digital (ADC), and digital-to-analog (DAC) data converters.
- Additionally, they are involved in the development of networking and connectivity solutions, which may encompass a range of analog and mixed-signal design aspects.
2. Digital Design Engineer
“Any idiot can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands.”
Design engineers create, develop, and improve digital Hardware system and tools, taking a lead role in overseeing the entire process from concept to implementation. Being a digital design engineer, you are required to have in-depth knowledge of digital electronics, and languages like Verilog. If you know System Verilog, it’s even better. They configure and evaluate system architecture, and use modeling and testing to assess and refine designs. They take an active role in leading validation and verification processes and developing testing programs. They regularly use coding and programming languages, and customize designs for real-world use settings.
Sites to practice: HDL bits
Companies to target: Renesas, Steradian, Nvidia, Intel, Analog Device
3. System Engineer

The term ‘System Engineer’ is quite confusing as some companies use this term to refer to an Analog Engineer and some use this term to refer to a Digital Signal Processing Engineer. Being a Digital Signal Processing Engineer, you need to have in-depth knowledge of Signals and System, various transforms like Fourier Transform, Z transform, and Laplace transform. Along with that, you need to have good knowledge of Python.
Companies to target: Steradian, Renesas, Mahindra
4. Power Electronics Engineer
Power Electronics Engineers are the professionals who develop power electronic products. Job responsibilities of Power Electronics Engineer also include the analysis of power electronic products. Those who specialize in the electrical field are known as Power Electronics Electrical Engineers and those who work in the mechanical field are called Power Electronics Mechanical Engineers. Power Electronics Electrical Engineers design the circuit of the Power Electronic products while Power Electronics Mechanical Engineers are responsible for the Mechanical design and layout of those products.
Being a power electronics engineer, you are expected to have a good knowledge of power electronics devices like SCR, MOSFET, Rectifier, inverters, etc. Also, good knowledge of machines will be beneficial.
Companies to target: Renesas, Heavy electronics companies like Mahindra.
5. PCB Layout Engineer

Being a PCB (Printed Circuit Board) layout engineer, you should have a good knowledge of PCB, how interconnects work, how different systems interact, and good knowledge of power electronics. Also, you should have knowledge of some software like Altium Designer, etc.
So , I tried to give you a brief of different roles that you can get into if you want to go into this very field .If you have any doubts fell free to ask in comments or in our whatsapp community.
Sure, here are some Reddit threads that discuss the roles we discussed above.
Analog Engineer
- What is it like to be an analog designer?: This thread discusses the experiences of being an analog designer.
- Earn more as an Analog/RFIC engineer?: This thread discusses the salary and career progression of Analog/RFIC engineers.
Digital Design Engineer
- How to become an ASIC/FPGA/Digital Design Engineer: This thread provides advice on how to become a digital design engineer.
- I just got a job as a Digital Design Engineer!!!: This thread shares the excitement of a user who just got a job as a digital design engineer.
System Engineer
- What are your thoughts on Systems Engineering as a profession or Masters?: This thread discusses the value of a career or a Masters in Systems Engineering.
- New job as Systems Engineer. What is your role like and resources to get started?: This thread discusses the role of a System Engineer and resources to get started.
Power Electronics Engineer
- Is Power Electronics a good career?: This thread discusses the prospects of a career in Power Electronics.
- Why aren’t a lot EE students going into power engineering?: This thread discusses why not many Electrical Engineering students are going into power engineering.
PCB Layout Engineer
- Entry Way for becoming a PCB Designer: This thread discusses the best way to become a PCB Designer.
- PCB Designers what do think of your job?: This thread shares the experiences of PCB designers.
These threads provide real-world insights and discussions about these roles. I hope you find them helpful! 😊.
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